A Bandsaw is a woodworking power saw that helps people get the most precise cut for the work they are doing. It uses a continuous band of toothed metal as its blade stretched between two or more continuously rotating wheels to cut through material.
The band saw is very versatile in that you can use different blades to cut different types of materials from wood and plastic to even metal. The saw blade position is very adjustable and variable speeds allow this type of saw to cut unique curves and corners that would be difficult with other saws.
There are several different types of bandsaws each with their own strengths and uses. Vertical bandsaws offer great control for precision cutting. Horizonal bandsaws, on the other hand, are the tool to use for precise straight cuts with strong cutting power. Resaw bandsaws are used for cutting lumber along the grain instead of against it minimizing larger sections of wood into smaller ones or into veneers.